When you’re entertaining, why opt for basic store-bought serving pieces when you can stand out with a dose of originality?
Serve appetizers or desserts on a “made-it-myself” pairing of vintage plates and candlesticks.
Scour vintage markets or thrift stores to find stylish dessert or salad size plates and candle holders (pillar or taper work), or dig around in your attic for old favorites.
The plate and candle holder should be in proper proportion to be paired together.
Then, follow these easy directions to get a serving piece that is sure to double as a conversation piece.
What You Need:
- Candlestick with a smooth top (glass or metal is best)
- A salad or dessert plate in desired style with a smooth center
- Epoxy glue
- Ceramic paint, optional
- Sandpaper or primer paint, optional
- If you’d like to refinish the candlestick, start by cleaning it with a damp cloth to remove any residue or dust.
Either cover the item with a thin coat of primer paint, or use a fine-grain sandpaper to “beat it up” just enough for the final paint coat to stick (clean off any sanding residue with another damp cloth).
Once dry, use a small artist’s brush to paint the candlestick your desired color.
- Once the paint is dry, or if you’re working with the original finish, place the plate atop the candlestick in your desired location (center is best).
Turn the duo upside down and mark around the circumference of the candlestick top with an easy-to-remove marker, such as lipstick or a dry-erase marker.
You’ll use this mark when gluing the two pieces together.
- Squeeze a good amount of epoxy glue onto the candlestick end.
Firmly place it on the back of the plate in your previously drawn circle.
Let sit for about 24 hours to allow the glue time to fully cure.
- Clean off any marks under the plate, top with your favorite recipes and serve!
- Bonus Craft: To make a double-decker platter, attach a plate to the top and bottom of the candlestick, with a larger plate on the bottom to serve as the foundation.